Very simple, download the app, fill out your profile then you can start either hiring freelancers directly or posting tasks.
Unlike other freelance platforms, Tendask allows you to outsource your chores/daily tasks that don't require specific skills, like making phone calls, shopping, booking hotels, picking up people by car, helping with language issue,...
After the task is completed, you will be able to pay the freelancer instantly using credit card.
On-site tasks are tasks that require freelancers to do them at a specific place like shopping, taking a car for maintenance, baby sitting, ...
Remote tasks are tasks that can be done remotely through phone or any other communication tool, like booking a hotel, calling service provider, ...
Yes, you can, Tendask allows to either post a task and receive applications, or directly choose a freelancer and hire him.
Very simple, download the app, fill out your profile then you can start applying for tasks.
Unlike the other freelance platform on the market, Tendask offers simple tasks that don't require specific skills like making phone calls, shopping, booking hotels, picking up people by car, ...
After finishing the task, you will be able to request the payment from the client, after the client reviews the request, he will be able to pay you instantly through the app.
You will get paid through the application, then you have a choice to withdraw the money to your own bank account
Yes, the client has the option to add a tip, it will depend on the client and the task.
When you request for payment, add all the extra fees and attach the receipts, the client will pay for everything.
Like any other freelance job, the freelancers will be responsible on their tax return.

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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)
Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)