About Us

What Is it

Established in Japan in 2021, Tendask is the perfect app to match task owners to freelancers and assistants to outsource their daily tasks.

Tendask provides opportunities for freelancers to pick up any tasks and for task owners to outsource any work. Unlike other freelancing apps, Tendask has the option of both on-site and remote tasks where tasks can range in from speciality to tasks where minimal to no skills are required. 

The easy-to-use app and simple functionality includes instant-hiring and task owners and freelancers always conveniently connected. These features paired with minimal fees and makes our app accessible to anyone looking for work or searching for help. 

We value the relationships between task owners and freelancers and have worked to build a platform to promote smooth partnerships and time-saving opportunities.

For task owners:
Whether you’ve just got a promotion and new workload, don’t have the time or simply striving to reach that CEO mindset – outsourcing is perfect for you. Tendask allows users to spend their time and energy on their most important goals and work while outsourcing those of lesser priority. We understand how valuable your time is, so let Tendask ensure you make the most of it.

For freelancers:
If you’re a motivated individual who has some extra time on their hands and are looking for a way to gain experience and increase your income, Tendask is the perfect opportunity for you to begin, or continue on your freelance journey.

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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)
Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)